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This week I have been blogging for a whole year! I am absolutely amazed, shocked and proud of myself.  I can’t believe that I did that. I was reluctant to start blogging because I am not a writer and my grammar is not the best. I was asked by a couple of friends to start blogging. I told them I would try it for a couple of months and go from there. Well here I am a year later. Blogging twice a week has been an amazing experience for me.

What happened in those two months of the trial period was eye opening to me. I fell in love with writing a blog! I looked forward to getting on my laptop to start a blog. During this trial period, I received an email from a book author. In her email, she said how much she enjoyed reading my blogs. She encouraged me, and she gave me some constructive criticism on how to improve my writing. I was so excited about that email, I printed it out and have it in my office at work. That was in April of 2017. Amazing what a few words of encouragement can do.

The most important thing I have come to realize in my blogging is this. One evening I was looking over all of my blogs that I have written and realized that I am writing about my life, my personal experiences, detailed things about me. My inner most thoughts, things I believe in, people I meet. I thought to myself, what a wonderful gift these blogs are for my grandchildren and great grandchildren. After I am long gone they can read about what grandpa did.  I would give anything to have something like this about my grandfathers, who I did not know very well. If they would have blogged, I would know what kind of persons they were, what was important to them, what they liked and didn’t like.

I can’t tell you what it has meant to me this past year to have someone come up to me and tell me how much they enjoy reading my blogs. I had one nice lady tell me she reads all my blogs. In one blog, I wrote about getting the finger twice in one day from other drivers. This wonderful lady laughed with me when she told me she has gotten the finger from other drivers many times. So funny.

So this is why I blog. I blog for my grand kids and their kids. I blog so elderly women can have a laugh or two. Blogging has been good therapy for me. Blogging has been so much fun. I thank a number of people for helping me this year. I thank Brittany Haugen of Tech Yes Integration and my editors. Yes, I told you my grammar and writing is not the best. I need editors. My wife Roxie and our office assistant at KLQP Hannah Muntean are my editors. They often shake their heads at me after reading my first draft.  I really appreciate both of them. I would also like to thank my son Brandon for putting my blogs into a book format. Last and not least I would like to thank all of you that read my blogs and follow me on WordPress and Facebook. Thank you. I am looking forward to another year of blogging.

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