
You hear the word hero a lot lately. I just heard it on the news tonight. “He’s my hero” or “she is my hero”. That got me thinking about the heroes in my life. I had never really given it much thought about who my heroes are. So I hope this blog gets you thinking about who your heroes are.

What is the definition of a hero?  Webster dictionary defines a hero “as a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievement’s or noble qualities”. “Regarded as a role model”.  My heroes became role models of noble qualities that I admired. These people have shaped my life.

I study the Bible and read it on a daily basis. It is fascinating to me. I enjoy especially the New Testament; I really admire two people.

Jesus is my hero. Why? He set an example for me on how to live my life. He is the greatest teacher of all time! He changed the world. Paul is also my hero. Why? He met Jesus one day and his life was changed. After persecuting Christians and having them killed for their faith, he became a Christian and was one of the greatest preachers and teachers of the Gospel message. Paul was martyred for his faith. They are my heroes.

Other people I admire and consider to be my heroes are Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Martin Luther, Jackie Robinson. I also admire people who were like me, just a regular guy who came up with an idea that changed the world. Like Mark Zuckerberg creating Facebook and Bill Gates, Microsoft. Bill Gates and his wife are now giving billions back to make the world a better place.

On a personal level, I have a couple men who are my heroes. My grandpa Raymo and my dad are two such people. Both taught me to treat other people the way I would want to be treated. I really looked up to them and wanted to be like them. Sure they had their faults, we all do, but they were very kind men. Both were outstanding people and loved their families and friends. 

Mr. Foxwell, my theater arts teacher in high school is my hero. He believed in me. He saw something in me that nobody else did. He encouraged me all the time. He told me that I have a gift. He taught me to think out of the box. To explore new things. To live life to the fullest. I will always remember him.

The real heroes that I have in my life are family and friends that are firemen, police officers and, EMT’s. They put their lives on the line for us daily. Thank you! Think about your heroes and how they have affected your life. If your hero is still around give your hero a thank you or hug today.


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