Well let the blogging begin! I’m very excited to start blogging, it’s been kind of fun to put this all together and think about how often to blog, what to write about, how much to write, and enjoyed coming up with the name Raymo’s Ramblings with help from friends. Well to answer a few of those questions, I am going to release two blogs a week, Wednesday and Sunday evenings. I have also decided not to just write about high school sports, but everything about life and my experiences I have with people. My job gives me the opportunity to meet so many different people and hear their stories from around the Q92 listening area. And I find that so rewarding to be able to travel around southwestern Minnesota and meet so many great people, like Bill Pierce who is biking from Mexico to Canada at the age of 69, how I enjoyed visiting with him at Talking Waters Brewery in Montevideo while he was coming through the area. What a story Bill has to tell, I found him to be a very gentle and intelligent man who loves people and enjoys learning the history of all the communities he bikes through, and that he will be writing a book about his journey. He talked about the people he has met along the way, and I’ll always remember something he said, I asked him if he has had any problems with people along the route, and if he was afraid of being robbed or mugged? And Bill said, “no not at all, Paul don’t watch the TV or read the newspapers, that is not the America I see! We don’t need to make America great again, it is great, it’s the people that make it great, and I have met so many kind people along the way!” Amazing man that Bill! I’ll post his web site link so you can follow him and read his blog as well. Until Sunday evening!
Thanks for sharing, Paul! I look forward to your future blogs and learning about the people you meet as you “ramble” from place to place!
Thank you Sandy!
Yo Raymo,
You did right by your town and by my old friend Bill Pierce in your blog on Bill’s stopping in your town on his Mexico to Canada bicycle ride into spring. Keep your ear to the ground and your head up. Bill is showing us that there is more to be seen in small town, middle U.S.A. from a bicycle than that which can be seen from a car on an interstate highway -possibly more than can be seen from a car on secondary roads. Your sharing his perspective highlights your town and enhances the observations of the man who rides through it on a bicycle in early spring.